Rabu, 13 September 2017

profile of shaykh abdul qadir jailani

Abdul Qadir Jaelani or Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani (Kurdish: Evdilqadirê Geylanî, Persian: عبد القادر گیلانی, Urdu: عبد القادر آملی گیلانی Abdolqāder Gilāni) (470-561 H) (Sunni Sunni Prophet and guardian of the tarekat and sufisme dunia on Wednesday 1 Ramadan at 470 H, 1077 M south of the Caspian Sea which is now Mazandaran Province in Iran He died on Saturday night, after sunset, on 9 Rabiul ended in Babul Azajwafat area in Baghdad in 561 AH / 1166 AD .

He is Kurdish or Persian. Sheikh Abdul Qadir considers the guards and survives with great respect by Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. Among followers in Pakistan and India, he is also known as Ghaus-e-Azam.

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