Rabu, 13 September 2017

Writing in the Tombstone Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi

Which is more valuable
The crowd of thousands of people or your true solitude?
Freedom or power over the whole country?
For a moment, alone in your cubicle will prove more valuable than anything else you might receive

Oh, God
I've found love!
How amazing, how great, how beautiful!
I put down the praises
For the rising passion
And adorn this universe
Nor anything in it!

When you feel excited
Find out why
That is a guest you will never salami twice

Sometimes with the purpose of helping
He makes us miserable
But heartache
for her
Bringing happiness
A smile will come,
After tears
Whoever predicts this is a blessed servant of God
Wherever water flows, life will prosper
Wherever tears fall, the Divine Grace is shown

Choose love.
Yes love!
Without the sweetness of love,
Life is a burden
Of course you have felt it

A chaotic heart
Do not get the pleasure of life
In a lie.
Water and oil
Can not turn on light.
Only true words bring life's joy
Truth is a very compelling pass

Go to God's lap,
And God will hug you and kiss you, and show
That He will not let you flee from Him
He will keep your heart in his heart
Day and night

My patience died on the night when Love was born!

From the wine of love, God created me!

Whoso fall prey to love, where could he fall prey to the Death?

The day of separation is longer than the Day of Resurrection
And death is prettier than the anguish of separation

I may die, but my passion to Mu will never die

I have turned my heart away from the world and all its pleasures
You and my heart are not two separate forms
And my eyelids never closed in deep
Unless I find you between my eyes and my eyelashes

They know for sure that I'm in love
But they do not know whom I love

My heart loves you all my life, and when I die
So my bones, though crushed, love you in the dust

Today I forgot the prayers because of my overflowing love
And I do not know anymore morning or night now
Because your memory, O Lord, is my food and drink
And thy face, when I see Him, is the medicine of my suffering

I am the One whom I love and
The one I love is me

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